I am a failed beekeeper, pilot, asparagus farmer, and art smuggler. I faked the recorder throughout 2nd grade music class. In high school, I played football but no one believes me (plus, the concussions). I was arrested in Belarus for failure to pay a bribe. I have been bitten by the same dog four times. I burnt down a very, very small island in Quebec. All of my chickens were killed by a weasel. I drove a van with no windshield through Kazakhstan. When my twin daughters were born, their heads were the size of a lemon. I ran for city council in Oxford, OH and lost by .02%. My college roommate sold his sports podcast company, The Ringer, to Spotify for over 200 million (I got nothing). I was robbed in India’s holiest city. My favorite philosopher is Diogenes, who lived in a barrel. My wife has written four books; I have written none. But copywriting, hot damn, copywriting is my jam. I’ve won over clients, wooed target audiences, and wangled awards in almost every conceivable medium and category.

Dude brainstorms like Taylor sings

Big ideas. They just pop into my head. Like deja vous. Always have. I’ve created award-winning campaigns for airlines, potato chips, booze, banks, and Ivy League universities. Let me brainstorm for you next. 

I’ve earned a PhD in higher ed copywriting

Ever seen a college ad that made you think? Laugh? Feel anything? Higher ed advertising can be a sea of sameness. In the last few years, I’ve created higher ed campaigns that didn’t look like…well…higher ed advertising. Working at VisionPoint Marketing in Raleigh, I brainstormed campaigns for big universities, small town schools and underdog community colleges that won the highest awards in the business.  It was a whirlwind of big ideas that emotionally connected with audiences of traditional high school students, adult learners, vets and more. From the day I entered VPM, the creative output exploded, started winning awards, and helped put VisionPoint on the map as a creative shop.

Blah blah blah big agency experience

Before VisionPoint, I worked at Possible Worldwide (now Wunderman Thompson) in Cincinnati. I wrote for the Smuckers brand team, banging out website copy, digital ads, and a gauntlet of social media posts. I was the head writer for the Folgers account, Jif, Hungry Jack, Pilsbury, and more, along with Smuckers main website. In fact, for my first assignment, I wrote product descriptions for every jam, jelly, preserve, fruit spread, and organic offering. Ten years later, they haven’t changed a word.

Jane Goodall said I reminded her of her second favorite chimpanzee

I’ve written for the Frontgate catalog (love product descriptions), for the Jane Goodall Institute (I’ve directed Jane Goodall in the studio), and have written hundreds and hundreds of creative radio spots (I love writing radio maybe most of all).

My name is Sean Krause. Let’s put our brains together for your next project.